# Redis Maintenance If you need to delete manually redis jobs from database do the following steps: 1. Log in to your database: ```bash docker exec -ti misp-server bash # docker exec -ti misp-db bash mysql -u $MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -h $MYSQL_HOST use misp; ``` 2. Show the required jobs table: - `select * from jobs;` 3. Test delete statement with select statement: - `select * from jobs where status=0;` 4. Delete jobs: - `delete from jobs where status=0;` 5. Exit from database: - Exit mysql client: `exit` - Exit misp-db container: `exit` 6. Log in to redis: - `docker exec -ti misp-redis bash` 7. Flush redis db: - `redis-cli flushall` 8. Restart worker: - Go to: Administration -> Server Settings & Maintenance -> Workers - Press `"Restart all workers"` on the bottom of the page