Use SSL Certificate with Passphrase


This guide is only valid for MISP-dockerized 1.2.0+.


This is not our recommended way and therefore unsupported.

This guide is for administrators which want to use password protected certificates. This guide is in special for the GitHub issue 17.

How to …

… via Environment Variable

Go to config/config.env and set SSL_PASSPHRASE_ENABLE="yes". Now make: make install or make build-config && make deploy You are ready. For troubleshooting please look at docker -f logs misp-proxy or docker -f logs misp-server

… via File

To activate passphrase certificate via file you need to one file one for NGINX and Apache2 will generate his file on base of the another one.

  1. Create a new file in config/ssl/ssl.passphrase. Content of the file is only your password.
  2. Go to config/config.env and set SSL_PASSPHRASE_ENABLE="yes".
  3. Update configuration: make build-config
  4. Deploy new configuration: make deploy


  • To restart the container: docker restart misp-server misp-proxy