
View release on Github.com

This release is a major release. A backup and a test before you upgrade is recommended.


MISP dockerized is a project designed to provide an easy-to-use and easy-to-install ‘out of the box’ MISP instance that includes everything you need to run MISP with minimal host-side requirements.

MISP dockerized uses MISP (Open Source Threat Intelligence Platform - https://github.com/MISP/MISP), which is maintained and developed by the MISP project team (https://www.misp-project.org/).

MISP-dockerized provides the following features:mar

  • 3-steps (in 5 minute or less) ready MISP instance
  • Built in MISP modules
  • Built in Monitoring via Netdata Docker container [NEW]
  • Built in Monitoring Webinterface with Basic Authentication [NEW]
  • Built in Mail Transport via MSMTP [NEW]
  • Built in Cron Job for Headless MISP server
  • Prehardened TLS configuration
  • Default HTTP to HTTPS redirect
  • Easy-to-use script based backup and restore function
  • Prebuilt management commands to ease maintenance efforts
  • Periodically built Docker containers
  • Automated test framework to test new MISP releases
  • PHP environment custom settings
  • External Redis database support, via official Redis database container [NEW]
  • External MariaDB database support, via official MariaDB database container [NEW]

Update Informations

This release includes the new MISP server container version 2.4.113 and a few other changes you see below.

General Changes

In general we improved our Docker build tools and CI scripts for container and this repository. Additionally we replaced our dockerhub.dcso.de Docker Registry with Harbor under the same URL. The Docker registry change impact all users which have the images from ‘dockerhub.dcso.de’. Please change the variable DOCKER_REGISTRY from dockerhub.dcso.de to dockerhub.dcso.de/dcso in config/config.env

Detailed Changes, Fixes & Improvements

v1.2.0 Main Repository

  • Changed MISP server version from 2.4.103 to 2.4.113 #79 #75
  • Changed MISP proxy container version from 1 to 2
  • Changed MISP modules container version from 2 to 3 #80
  • Changed make change-smime and make change-pgp command
  • Changed syslog example for improved logging via local or remote syslog server
  • Changed environment name scheme to make it more clear and easier to understand the variable names
  • Changed requirements shellscript to colorize the output
  • Added an hosts entry to travis CI for misp.example.com for tests
  • Added timezone to environment variable section of containers to change time zone from containter
  • Added New MISP-dockerized-monitoring container
  • Added New MISP-dockerized-db container #74
  • Added Gitlab CI Jobs for Unsupported MISP Server Versions

v1.0.4 Main Repository

  • Fixed CI test bug
  • Fixed an bug in the build-config script for other Docker registries
  • Changed MISP modules Docker container version from misp-dockerized-misp-modules:1 to misp-dockerized-misp-modules:latest
  • Changed PHP_MEMORY default value from 512MB to 2048MB
  • Changed default Docker registry source for the container from dockerhub.dcso.de to dcso (hub.docker.com)

Container misp-dockerized-db

Container misp-dockerized-monitoring

Release Candidate 1.1.2

View release on Github.com

This MISP-dockerized release is a minor release.

Update Information

This release fixed small bugs and close the issue #67 and perhaps also issue #61.

General Changes

There are general changes, but without any impact for an user.

Detailed Information

  • Updated .ci/20_tag_2_registry.sh and .ci/30_push_2_registry.sh This update fixed that misp-dockerized-redis container are retagged and pushed into registries.
  • Updated .ci/02_script.sh Suppress the Docker pull messages.

Release Candidate 1.1.1

View release on Github.com

This MISP-dockerized release is a minor release.

Update Information

This release fixed small bugs and close the issue #62 and perhaps also issue #61 .

General Changes

There are general changes, but without any impact for an user.

  • Updated 01_before_install.sh CI script to the latest state to install docker-compose correctly in Gitlab CI
  • Updated 02_script.sh CI script to fix typos
  • Added separated 20_tag_2_registry.sh CI script excluded from 30_push_2_registry.sh
  • Added options in general Makefile for: change-ssl, change-smime and change-pgp
  • Added version 1.1.1

Detailed Information

  • We separate the tag function from push function and added it to our test CI job. Now we are able to test if tagging is working as expected.
  • Added options in general Makefile for: change-ssl, change-smime and change-pgp This commands redirects to 1.1.1->Makefile commands.
  • Added version 1.1.1
    • Update help text from Makefile Updated the help text to all required options.
    • Added change-ssl/smime/pgp make commands This commands copy the keys and certificates into the misp-server and misp-proxy container.

Release Candidate 1.1.0

View release on Github.com

This release is a major release. A backup and a test before you upgrade is recommended.


MISP dockerized is a project designed to provide an easy-to-use and easy-to-install ‘out of the box’ MISP instance that includes everything you need to run MISP with minimal host-side requirements.

MISP dockerized uses MISP (Open Source Threat Intelligence Platform - https://github.com/MISP/MISP), which is maintained and developed by the MISP project team (https://www.misp-project.org/).

MISP-dockerized provides the following features:mar

  • 3-steps (in 5 minute or less) ready MISP instance
  • Built in MISP modules
  • Official Docker Redis database in an own Docker container [NEW]
  • Built in mail transport via postfix
  • Prehardened TLS configuration
  • Default http to https redirect
  • Easy-to-use script based backup and restore function
  • Prebuilt management commands to ease maintenance efforts
  • Periodically built Docker containers
  • Automated test framework to test new MISP releases
  • PHP environment custom settings [NEW]
  • Built in cron job for headless MISP server [NEW]

Update Informations

This release includes the new MISP server container version 2.4.103 and a few other changes you see below.

General Changes

  • Changed MISP Server Version from 2.4.99 to 2.4.103
  • Added new CI pipeline files
  • Fixed typos in different shellscripts
  • Added missing release v1.0.1
  • Added ‘make delete’ in top level makefile
  • Added ‘make support’ in top level makefile
  • Added ‘2019’ to license file

Detailed Changes, Fixes & Improvements

v1.1.0 Main Repository

  • Added ‘make log’ and ‘make log-f’ option in v1.1.0
  • Added ‘make support’ in makefile
  • Added environment variables
    • MISP_URL
    • REDIS_FQDN: “misp-redis”
    • CRON_INTERVAL: “3600”
    • CRON_USER_ID: “1”
    • PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT: “512M”
    • PHP_POST_MAX_SIZE: “50M”

Release Candidate 1.0.4

View release on Github.com This MISP-dockerized release is a minor release.

Update Information

This release includes new CI files and we fixed a bug which prevents the CI to push the MISP-dockerized environment to the Docker registries.

General Changes

No general changes where made.

Detailed Information

  • We fixed the .ci/30_push_2_registry.sh script

Release Candidate 1.0.4

View release on Github.com This MISP-dockerized release is a minor release.

Update Information

This release includes new CI files and we fixed a bug which prevents the CI to push the MISP-dockerized environment to the Docker registries.

General Changes

No general changes where made.

Detailed Information

  • We fixed the .ci/30_push_2_registry.sh script

Release Candidate 1.0.3

View release on Github.com This MISP-dockerized release is a minor release.

Update Information

This release improved the text output from the scripts and also improved the quoting of variables.

General Changes

No general changes where made.

Detailed Information

  • This release improved the text output from the scripts and also improved the quoting of variables.

Release Candidate 1.0.2

View release on Github.com This MISP-dockerized release is a minor release.

Update Information

This release includes new CI files and we fixed a bug which prevents the CI to test the MISP-dockerized environment.

General Changes

No general changes where made.

Detailed Information

  • We have moved the CI scripts from ROOT/VERSION/.travis to ROOT/.ci
  • We have improved the CI scripts for Gitlab and Travis CI.
  • From now on the Gitlab CI is responsible for hub.docker.com and internal Docker registry.
  • We fixed an bug which prevents the CI to test the environment.

Release Candidate 1.0.1

View release on Github.com This MISP-dockerized release is a minor release.

Update Information

This release includes new CI files and we fixed a bug which prevents the CI to test the MISP-dockerized environment.

General Changes

No general changes where made.

Detailed Information

  • We have moved the CI scripts from ROOT/VERSION/.travis to ROOT/.ci
  • We have improved the CI scripts for Gitlab and Travis CI.
  • From now on the Gitlab CI is responsible for hub.docker.com and internal Docker registry.
  • We fixed an bug which prevents the CI to test the environment.

Release Candidate 1.0.0

View release on Github.com This release represents the first production release of MISP-Dockerized in version 1.0.0.


MISP dockerized is a project designed to provide an easy-to-use and easy-to-install ‘out of the box’ MISP instance that includes everything you need to run MISP with minimal host-side requirements.

MISP dockerized uses MISP (Open Source Threat Intelligence Platform - https://github.com/MISP/MISP), which is maintained and developed by the MISP project team (https://www.misp-project.org/).

MISP-dockerized provides the following features:

  • 3-steps (in 5 minute or less) ready MISP instance
  • Built in MISP modules
  • Built in mail transport via postfix
  • Prehardened TLS configuration
  • Default http to https redirect
  • Easy-to-use script based backup and restore function
  • Prebuilt management commands to ease maintenance efforts
  • Periodically built Docker containers
  • Automated test framework to test new MISP releases

Update Informations

This release includes the new MISP server container version 2.4.99 In addition, we have changed the following:

  • the proxy container version to the latest version 1.X
  • the robot container version to the latest version 2.X
  • the misp-module container version to the latest version 1.X

General Changes

  • We have changed our complete directories. Now you have access to all unsupported and old version of MISP-dockerized.
  • There is a new NEW_FRESH_INSTAL.sh script
  • We have added a new UPGRADE.sh script
  • We have added a new UPDATE.sh script
  • Added the new MISP-Server Container with MISP Version 2.4.99 (#39)

Detailed Changes

Main Repository

Detailed Changes, Fixes & Improvements
  • Deactivated the Ansible script for database and server, because since version 2.4.97 the misp-server container does not require Ansible anymore
  • Changed misp-robot from 1.0.3-ubuntu to 2.x-debian
  • Changed misp-server from 2.4.94 to 2.4.99
  • Removed unused container content in docker-compose.yml
  • Added docker-compose.override.yml to add the user configuration
  • Removed misp-postfix container, because postfix is now directly installed in the misp-server
  • Changed volume paths from misp-server (done since version 0.3.4)

Container misp-dockerized-server

Update Informations

Features of the release:

  • Added a new MISP-Server Container for MISP release 2.4.99 on base of 2.4.97. (closes #39) For more information please have a look at the official changelog at https://github.com/MISP/MISP/releases/tag/v2.4.99
  • Changed to a new gitlab-ci job structure for all misp-server container
  • Built in mail transport via postfix
  • Built in redis
  • Built in rsyslog-ng
  • Built in MariaDB
Detailed Changes, Fixes & Improvements
  • The following base changes were made in addition to the new misp-server version 2.4.97:
    • The base image is now debian stretch instead of ubuntu 18.04
    • Postfix is now directly installed - the postfix container is no longer necessary
    • Added a cron shell script that fetches and caches all enabled feeds and pull all remote server events
    • Changed from syslog-ng to rsyslog, because in debian the syslog-ng doesn’t support wildcard configuration for logfiles.
    • The external requirement for our Ansible playbook is no longer necessary for this container
  • Gitlab-CI Strucutre Included statements in the Gitlab CI main file allow us to improve and simplify our Gitlab CI main file.
  • Added an echo tag to know from which entrypoint script a message comes.
  • Added on the misp-server 2.4.97-2.4.99 functions to create self-signed certificate, private key and DH params file

Container misp-dockerized-robot

Update Informations

Features of the release:

  • Built in Docker
  • Built in Ansible
  • Built in Test framework
  • Docker Container image is based now on debian:stretch-slim

In the past, we decided to use a three-digit version number for small and large changes for this container repository. This has proved unnecessary as the main repository is the central repository for new releases and all changes are already tracked here. We have therefore decided to change the 3-digit version number in all minor repositories to a 2-digit version number. For example: 1.0.1 -> 1.1

The second digit is changed any time we make minor changes. The first digit changes whenever we make major changes, e.g. a new base image.

Detailed Changes, Fixes & Improvements
  • Changed from the base image debian:stable-slim to debian:stretch-slim
  • Remove unused robot versions:
    • 1.0.2-debian
    • 1.0.3-debian
    • 1.0.4-ubuntu
  • All folders have been renamed, e.g. from to 1.0-alpin.
  • We have made working with gitlab-ci easier with new extensions and includes.
  • We have also reduced the readme as much as possible, as the documentation is now available centrally in our own documentation repository https://dcso.github.io/MISP-dockerized-docs/.

Container misp-dockerized-proxy

Update Informations

Features of the release:

  • Prehardened TLS configuration
  • Default http to https redirect
  • Built in User defined IP restriction
  • Added the ability to create self-signed certificates.

In the past, we decided to use a three-digit version number for small and large changes for this container repository. This has proved unnecessary as the main repository is the central repository for new releases and all changes are already tracked here. We have therefore decided to change the 3-digit version number in all minor repositories to a 2-digit version number. For example: 1.0.1 -> 1.1

The second digit is changed any time we make minor changes. The first digit changes whenever we make major changes, e.g. a new base image.

Detailed Changes, Fixes & Improvements
  • Added an own entrypoint script to create user defined files
  • Added the possibility to create self-signed certificates
  • All folders have been renamed, e.g. from to 1.0-alpin.
  • We have made working with gitlab-ci easier with new extensions and includes.
  • We have also reduced the readme as much as possible, as the documentation is now available centrally in our own documentation repository https://dcso.github.io/MISP-dockerized-docs/.

Container misp-dockerized-misp-modules

Update Informations

Features of the release:

  • Pre-Installed MISP modules

In the past, we decided to use a three-digit version number for small and large changes for this container repository. This has proved unnecessary as the main repository is the central repository for new releases and all changes are already tracked here. We have therefore decided to change the 3-digit version number in all minor repositories to a 2-digit version number. For example: 1.0.1 -> 1.1

The second digit is changed any time we make minor changes. The first digit changes whenever we make major changes, e.g. a new base image.

Detailed Changes, Fixes & Improvements
  • Pre-Installed debian stretch MISP modules container
  • All folders have been renamed, e.g. from to 1.0-debian.
  • We have made working with gitlab-ci easier with new extensions and includes.
  • We have also reduced the readme as much as possible, as the documentation is now available centrally in our own documentation repository https://dcso.github.io/MISP-dockerized-docs/.

Beta Release Candidate 0.3.4

View release on Github.com

Update Information

This update fixes an error with incorrectly mounted MISP volumes that caused the required disk space to exceed the normal value. Therefore, before updating, make sure that you have up-to-date backups. We fixed small bugs for the docker-compose, Ansible and build_script.sh.

General Changes

No general changes have been made in this release.

Detailed Changes

Main Repository

Detailed Changes, Fixes and Improvements
  • Fixed false volumes in docker-compose
  • Fixed a bug that caused a password with special characters like pipe ‘|’ to fail and docker-compose could not be executed.
  • Fixed a bug in the Ansible server playbook with incorrectly mounted MISP volumes has been fixed.
  • Added sleep times into makefile for better user experience

Beta Release Candidate 0.3.3

View release on Github.com

Update Information

In this release, we fixed only small bugs that affect the tagging and build process for creating the productive MISP-dockerized images on hub.docker.com and internal Gitlab CI.

General Changes

No general changes have been made in this release.

Detailed Changes

Main Repository

Detailed Changes, Fixes and Improvements
  • Fixed Gitlab CI for the repository url parameter to tagging.sh
  • Fixed tagging.sh shell script to find the right image and re-tag it

Beta Release Candidate 0.3.2

View release on Github.com

Update Information

In this release, we fixed only small bugs that affect the tagging and build process for creating the productive MISP-dockerized images on hub.docker.com and internal Gitlab CI.

General Changes

No general changes have been made in this release.

Detailed Changes

Main Repository

Detailed Changes, Fixes and Improvements
  • Modified pull branch for Travis CI from stable to master.
  • Modified push.sh shell script to force ‘-dev’ image deletion

Beta Release Candidate 0.3.1

View release on Github.com

Update Information

In this release, we fixed only small bugs that affect the tagging and build process for creating the productive MISP-dockerized images on hub.docker.com and internal Gitlab CI.

General Changes

No general changes have been made in this release.

Detailed Changes

Main Repository

Detailed Changes, Fixes and Improvements
  • Added alpine packages which are required for internal Gitlab CI
  • Modified pull branch for travis from stable to master.
  • Modified push.sh shell script to made more clear why it delete images

Beta Release Candidate 0.3.0

View release on Github.com

Update Information

In this release we made several improvements to the container and build scripts, which include the first preparations for support of Kubernetes and tools like Gitlab CI, which will help us to create more complex automated tests. We now also offer a new container for MISP modules. Additionally, we have added support for the new MISP versions 2.4.93, 2.4.94 and 2.4.95.

With the new release it is now also possible to load containers from the DCSO Docker Respository, which only needs one network endpoint and is therefore easier to use in enterprise environments behind firewalls and/or proxies.

General Changes

  • The MISP proxy now requires less configuration and is easier to set up, which is easier for us to support as well.
  • 1st preparation for a kubernetes installation method
  • Added Support for MISP versions 2.4.93, 2.4.94, 2.4.95

Detailed Changes

Main Repository

Detailed Changes, Fixes and Improvements
  • Added internal Gitlab CI support
  • Added support for different Docker registries that can be selected during installation.
  • Added an Syslog Example for the Docker Host to extract the MISP-dockerized logs from all other.
  • Modified Docker-compose
    • restart on-failure to restart unless-stopped
    • Added MISP-Modules Container
    • Added Environment Variables
    • Added Syslog driver options
  • Modified Shell scripts
    • Deactivated Image deletion on make delete
    • Pull first Images, then start via docker-compose
    • Modified requirements script to disable every user interaction
    • Added an upgrade script
  • Modified Ansible Playbook
    • Improved PGP and S/MIME Options
    • Normalized Ansible Variables

Container misp-dockerized-server

General/Update Information

In this release candidate we added a new container with improved configuration, updated the old container and improved the build scripts for Gitlab CI support.

Detailed Changes, Fixes and Improvements
  • Added internal Gitlab CI support We have changed the shell scripts to support a second Docker registry. Now the script looks for a variable called INTERNAL_REGISTRY_HOST.
  • 2.4.88 & 2.4.89
    • Changed LABEL We have made the LABELs more variable.
  • 2.4.90
    • Changed LABEL We have made the LABELs more variable.
    • New Apache2 SSL configuration
  • 2.4.91
    • Changed LABEL We have made the LABELs more variable.
    • New Apache2 SSL configuration
    • Added new ENV variable
  • 2.4.92
    • Changed LABEL We have made the LABELs more variable.
    • Added new ENV variable
    • Improved Dockerfile
    • Added pip and pip3 version of additional modules
    • Modified healthcheck
    • Modified entrypoint files
  • Added a new container for MISP Version 2.4.93
  • Added a new container for MISP Version 2.4.94
    • Added syslog-ng to collect all log file and extract it to Docker standard stdout and stderr stream
  • Added a new container for MISP Version 2.4.95
    • Added syslog-ng to collect all log file and extract it to Docker standard stdout and stderr stream

Container misp-dockerized-robot

General/Update Information

In this release candidate we added a new container with improved configuration, updated the old container and improved the build scripts for Gitlab CI support.

Detailed Changes, Fixes and Improvements
  • Added internal Gitlab CI support We have changed the shell scripts to support a second Docker registry. Now the scripts look for a variable with the name INTERNAL_REGISTRY_HOST.
  • Added new container 1.0.3 We have added a new LABEL standard and prepared dockerfile for the next upgrade release.
  • Now a salt will be generated during the installation

Container misp-dockerized-postfix

General/Update Information

In this release candidate we added a new container with improved configuration, updated the old container and improved the build scripts for Gitlab CI support.

Detailed Changes, Fixes and Improvements
  • Added internal Gitlab CI support We have changed the shell scripts to support a second Docker registry. Now the scripts looks for a variable with the name INTERNAL_REGISTRY_HOST.
  • 1.0.0
    • Change LABELs on 1.0.0 We made the LABELs more variable.
    • Remove debugging mode from entrypoint file We changed set -exv to set -e
    • We fixed the syslog-ng configuration We fixed mistakes with semicolons.
  • Add new container 1.0.1 We add a new LABEL standard and prepared dockerfile for the next upgrade release.

Container misp-dockerized-proxy

General/Update Information

We have changed the file name convention for the NGINX configuration setup. In 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 we used two NGINX configuration files, one for HTTPS and one only for HTTP. We have changed this and are using now one HTTPS file only. At build time a self-signed cert is now created. Therefore a HTTP only configuration file is not required anymore. Please make sure to disable the NGINX configuration volume to get the new file. Or make a backup. Delete all and start from scratch and restore the backup.

Detailed Changes, Fixes and Improvements
  • Fix Healthcheck of 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 The cURL Package was not found and is now installed at build time.
  • Added internal Gitlab CI support We have changed the shell scripts to support a second Docker registry. Now the scripts looks for a variable with the name INTERNAL_REGISTRY_HOST.
  • Fixed IP restriction file on 1.0.1 allow; led to a mistake. The new value is: allow all;
  • Added new container 1.0.2
    • We have added a new container, for new LABEL structure and additional VERSION and NAME environment variable.
    • We have prepared our proxy for a monitoring solution in the future
    • We have renamed the proxy_vars file
    • We have changed the log file path to stdout and stderr

Container misp-dockerized-modules

General/Update Information

A new container which contains the [MISP-Modules|https://github.com/MISP/misp-modules] and is ready for use within the MISP platform.

Detailed Changes, Fixes and Improvements
  • Added internal Gitlab CI support We have changed the shell scripts to support a second Docker registry. Now the scripts look for a variable with the name INTERNAL_REGISTRY_HOST.
  • Added hub.docker.com token for notification Added token for travis-ci to inform hub.docker.com about a new image.
  • Added new container 1.0.1 We have added a new LABEL standard and prepared dockerfile for the next upgrade release.

Beta Release Candidate 0.2.0

View release on Github.com

Update Information

We have made some major changes in the container and build structure, therefore these version is not directly compatible to older versions of MISP-dockerized. An update from a old installation is possible but has to be done manually. However, we do not plan to have another breaking change within the beta and with all new release of MISP-dockerized, beginning with the upcoming release v0.3.0, all MISP-dockerized versions will have integrated an upgrade script which helps you to update your running instances.

We found that the MISP linked versioning of our releases is somewhat unclear, as we support multiple versions of MISP and have therefore changed the tagging of our releases.

Another significant change results from an error described here: https://github.com/DCSO/MISP-dockerized/issues/19. This is confirmed as an official MISP software bug (https://github.com/MISP/MISP/issues/3244). In order to provide a stable and running instance, we had to change our container structure due to this error. Therefore, the database and redis now run within the misp-dockerized-server. We plan to switch back to our original container design as soon as the bug is fixed.

General Changes

  • New hub.docker.com repositories that we have changed from misp-<CONTAINER> to misp-dockerized-<CONTAINER>
  • Changed the build process for the container
    • The containers were created by github.com and Travis CI using their own repository. The images are uploaded as misp-dockerized-<CONTAINER>:<version>-<base>-dev tag and repository to hub.docker.com.
    • The main repository MISP-dockerized downloads, test and upload the images as misp-dockerized-<CONTAINER>:<version>-<base> (without ‘-dev’)
  • Changed the location of Ansible playbooks and shell scripts from MISP-dockerized-robot repository to MISP-dockerized repository
  • Improved backup and recovery scripts

Detailed Changes

Changed Ansible Scripts

  • Ansible script now creates a self signed certificate if none is found
  • Improved the task for copying certificate, private key and Diffie-Hellman parameters to the volume
  • Improved import database section
  • Improved all Ansible scripts to use Ansible modules if possible

misp-dockerized-server container with the following features / changes

  • Created new build and deploy process
    • The container create a <version>-<base>-<dev> tag and the main repository MISP-dockerized create the <version>-<base> tag to push only images that are ready for operation.
  • Updated README.md
  • Deleted hub.docker.com hooks
  • Modified Dockerfile to support HTTPS proxy in MISP server container version 2.4.88
  • Modified Dockerfile to support HTTPS proxy in MISP server container version 2.4.89
  • Modified Dockerfile to support HTTPS proxy in MISP server container version 2.4.90
  • Added MISP server version 2.4.91
    • Updated server configuration to support integrated redis and mysql
    • Deleted explicit Dockerfile for hub.docker.com
    • Modified Dockerfile to support HTTPS proxy
    • MISP MySQL scheme is now directly imported
    • New function that sends log files to /dev/stdout, so you can view the logs with docker logs -f misp-server
  • Added MISP server version 2.4.92
    • Updated server configuration to support integrated redis and mysql
    • Deleted explicit Dockerfile for hub.docker.com
    • Modified Dockerfile to support HTTPS proxy
    • MISP MySQL scheme is now directly imported
    • New function that sends log files to /dev/stdout, so you can view the logs with docker logs -f misp-server

misp-dockerized-robot container with the following features / changes:

  • Closed ticket MDD-19: Improved Ansible scripts
  • Added rng-tool on 1.0.2 robot version to get a better entropy.
  • Added origin robot 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 version
  • Added new robot version 1.0.2
    • The new robot now has no Ansible scripts included. The Ansible scripts are mounted via docker-compose through the misp-dockerized repository.
    • Changed folder structure therefore also requires a change in the Playbook
    • Deleted SSH keys and hosts files that are not used anymore
  • Updated makefile, build.sh & travis.yml
  • All Docker files have been modified to support HTTPS proxy
  • Deleted hub.docker.com hooks
  • Improved readme
  • Improved backup and recovery scripts
  • Created new build and deploy process
    • The container create a <version>-<base>-<dev> tag and the main repository MISP-dockerized create the <version>-<base> tag to push only images that are ready for operation.

misp-dockerized-proxy container with the following features / changes:

  • Added proxy version 1.0.1-alpine
  • Added HTTPS proxy environment variable to all versions
  • Deleted hub.docker.com hooks
  • Created new build and deploy process
    • The container create a <version>-<base>-<dev> tag and the main repository MISP-dockerized create the <version>-<base> tag to push only images that are ready for operation.

NEW misp-dockerized-postfix container with the following features / changes:

  • Added a new Docker container for mail relaying.
    • This close ticket MDD-14 with Postfix as relay.
  • Added new Postfix container with version 1.0.0 with Alpine as base image
  • Updated README.md
    • Added text in chapter Usage
  • Created new build and deploy process
    • The container create a <version>-<base>-<dev> tag and the main repository MISP-dockerized create the <version>-<base> tag to push only images that are ready for operation.

Beta Release Candidate 0.1.2

View release on Github.com

Update Information

General Changes

No general changes have been made in this release.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Improved makefile
    • Improved help section
    • Removed commands which are not more required
    • Added new commands:
      • make start: no other command is required to start the full environment
      • make configure: execute Ansible scripts to configure all Docker container in one command
      • make config-db: execute Ansible database script
      • make config-server: execute Ansible server script
      • make config-proxy: execute Ansible proxy script
      • make backup-robot: execute backup script for misp-robot
  • Improved readme
  • Improved backup script
  • Improved script to delete all volumes, networks, images and container
  • Added Travis CI as automatic continuous integration
    • Travis CI download ‘-dev’ tagged Docker container from his own repository and test full deployment
    • If test is successfully Travis CI push container to hub.docker.com Docker registry without ‘-dev’ tag.
  • Backup script
    • Now you can set your backup path directly via CLI
    • Files from config Folder will be saved, too
  • Added Docker container version pinning in docker-compose file
  • Added check write permissions to requirements.sh script
  • Removed dependency of docker-compose and Ansible on the Docker node and moved this into an robot container.

Beta Release Candidate 0.1.1

View release on Github.com

Update Information

Minor release for the v2.4.88 MISP server version.

General Changes

No general changes have been made in this release.

Fixes and Improvements

Included in the Release:

  • Added LICENSE File
  • Added logo for the Readme on hub.docker.com
  • Added Readme Files for every container
  • Fixed MISP server container to build container on hub.docker.com
  • Modified build_config.sh to deactivate linking of .env file and copy it
  • Removed starting space for .env file

Beta Release Candidate 0.1.0

View release on Github.com


MISP dockerized is a project designed to provide an easy-to-use and easy-to-install ‘out of the box’ MISP instance that includes everything you need to run MISP with minimal host-side requirements.

MISP dockerized uses MISP (Open Source Threat Intelligence Platform - https://github.com/MISP/MISP), which is maintained and developed by the MISP project team (https://www.misp-project.org/).

Update Information

Initial major release for the v2.4.88 MISP server version. Included in the Release:

  • dockerfile to build Docker container via hub.docker.com
  • docker-compose file
  • backup and restore script
  • makefile
  • configuration script
  • Added MISP server container for MISP release 2.4.88. For more information, please have a look at the official changelog at https://github.com/MISP/MISP/releases/tag/v2.4.88

General Changes

We introduced the new MISP-dockerized project.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Added new container for an proxy server, robot server and an misp application server