dcso.portal.api API documentation

Module dcso.portal.api

Definition of the APIClient class which is used to start interactions with the DCSO Portal API.

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# Copyright (c) 2020, DCSO GmbH

Definition of the APIClient class which is used to start interactions with
the DCSO Portal API.
import os
import urllib.parse
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import List, Optional

from .abstracts import APIAbstract
from .auth import Auth
from .exceptions import PortalAPIRequest, PortalException
from .util.graphql import GraphQLRequest
from .util.networking import validate_api_url

"""Name of the environment variable holding the
DCSO Portal Token to be used when Authorizing."""

class APIClient(APIAbstract):
    .. include:: apiclient.md

    def __init__(self, api_url: str):
        The `api_url` parameter is the DCSO Portal API endpoint and must be provided;
        there is no default.
        self._api_url: str = ""
        self.api_url = api_url
        self._token: str = os.environ.get(ENV_PORTAL_TOKEN, "")

        # default services
        self.auth = Auth(api=self)

    def api_url(self) -> str:
        return self._api_url

    def api_url(self, url: str) -> None:
        """Sets the API endpoint using the provided url. Raises `DCSOPortalConfiguration`
        when url is not valid.
        self._api_url = validate_api_url(url)

    def api_url_parsed(self) -> urllib.parse.ParseResult:
        return urllib.parse.urlparse(self._api_url)

    def token(self) -> str:
        return self._token

    def token(self, token: str):
        """Sets the token for each API request. This can be either a User Token (JWT)
        or a Machine Token (also known as API Token).
        self._token = token

    def execute_graphql(self, query: str,
                        variables: Optional[dict] = None,
                        fragments: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> namedtuple:
        """Executes the GraphQL query and returns response as namedtuple. This
        namedtuple starts from the 'data'-object.

        For example, when executing query getting user information:

            response = execute_graphql(`{ user { id name }`)

        the resulting GraphQL JSON might look as follows:

                "data": {
                    "user": { "id": "1234", "name": "Alice" }

        Then retrieving and print the name of the user using the response:

            print(f"Name: {response.user.name}")

        Raises `PortalAPIError` When the GraphQL API endpoint returned an error.
        When there was an issue with the request itself, or decoding JSON failed,
        the `PortalAPIRequest` exception is raised.
        request = GraphQLRequest(api_url=self.api_url,
                                 query=query, variables=variables, fragments=fragments,

            return request.execute()
        except PortalException:

    def execute_graphql_dict(self, query: str,
                             variables: Optional[dict] = None,
                             fragments: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> dict:
        """Executes the GraphQL request and return response a dictionary.

        For example, when executing query getting user information:

            response = execute_graphql_dict(`{ user { id name }`)

        the resulting GraphQL JSON might look as follows:

                "data": {
                    "user": { "id": "1234", "name": "Alice" }

        Then retrieving and print the name of the user using the response:

            print(f"Name: {response['user']['name']}")

        Raises `PortalAPIError` When the GraphQL API endpoint returned an error.
        When there was an issue with the request itself, or decoding JSON failed,
        the `PortalAPIRequest` exception is raised.
        request = GraphQLRequest(api_url=self.api_url,
                                 query=query, variables=variables, fragments=fragments,

            return request.execute_dict()['data']
        except KeyError as exc:
            raise PortalAPIRequest(f"API request contained unusable error definition {exc}")
        except PortalException:

    def is_alive(self) -> bool:
        """Returns whether it is possible to communicate with API endpoint."""
        request = GraphQLRequest(
            query='{__schema { queryType { name }}}'

            result = request.execute_dict()
            return 'Query' == result['data']['__schema']['queryType']['name']
        except (KeyError, PortalException):
            return False

Global variables


Name of the environment variable holding the DCSO Portal Token to be used when Authorizing.


class APIClient (api_url: str)

APIClient is the main class for interacting with DCSO Portal.

Basic example (api_endpoint is something known to the reader):

from dcso.portal import APIClient

apic = APIClient(api_endpoint)
apic.auth.authenticate(username='alice', password='tea.pots')

When authentication was successful, the API token will stored in the APIClient instance, unless the authenticate method was called with parameter set_api_token set to False.

In most cases, using credentials is not an option, and a Machine (API) Token is preferred. In your application, you can after instantiating the client, you set the token property:

from dcso.portal import APIClient

apic = APIClient(api_endpoint)
apic.token = "YOURTOKENHERE"

The above is done automatically for you when you set the environment variable DCSO_PORTAL_TOKEN. The api_url parameter is the DCSO Portal API endpoint and must be provided; there is no default.

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class APIClient(APIAbstract):
    .. include:: apiclient.md

    def __init__(self, api_url: str):
        The `api_url` parameter is the DCSO Portal API endpoint and must be provided;
        there is no default.
        self._api_url: str = ""
        self.api_url = api_url
        self._token: str = os.environ.get(ENV_PORTAL_TOKEN, "")

        # default services
        self.auth = Auth(api=self)

    def api_url(self) -> str:
        return self._api_url

    def api_url(self, url: str) -> None:
        """Sets the API endpoint using the provided url. Raises `DCSOPortalConfiguration`
        when url is not valid.
        self._api_url = validate_api_url(url)

    def api_url_parsed(self) -> urllib.parse.ParseResult:
        return urllib.parse.urlparse(self._api_url)

    def token(self) -> str:
        return self._token

    def token(self, token: str):
        """Sets the token for each API request. This can be either a User Token (JWT)
        or a Machine Token (also known as API Token).
        self._token = token

    def execute_graphql(self, query: str,
                        variables: Optional[dict] = None,
                        fragments: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> namedtuple:
        """Executes the GraphQL query and returns response as namedtuple. This
        namedtuple starts from the 'data'-object.

        For example, when executing query getting user information:

            response = execute_graphql(`{ user { id name }`)

        the resulting GraphQL JSON might look as follows:

                "data": {
                    "user": { "id": "1234", "name": "Alice" }

        Then retrieving and print the name of the user using the response:

            print(f"Name: {response.user.name}")

        Raises `PortalAPIError` When the GraphQL API endpoint returned an error.
        When there was an issue with the request itself, or decoding JSON failed,
        the `PortalAPIRequest` exception is raised.
        request = GraphQLRequest(api_url=self.api_url,
                                 query=query, variables=variables, fragments=fragments,

            return request.execute()
        except PortalException:

    def execute_graphql_dict(self, query: str,
                             variables: Optional[dict] = None,
                             fragments: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> dict:
        """Executes the GraphQL request and return response a dictionary.

        For example, when executing query getting user information:

            response = execute_graphql_dict(`{ user { id name }`)

        the resulting GraphQL JSON might look as follows:

                "data": {
                    "user": { "id": "1234", "name": "Alice" }

        Then retrieving and print the name of the user using the response:

            print(f"Name: {response['user']['name']}")

        Raises `PortalAPIError` When the GraphQL API endpoint returned an error.
        When there was an issue with the request itself, or decoding JSON failed,
        the `PortalAPIRequest` exception is raised.
        request = GraphQLRequest(api_url=self.api_url,
                                 query=query, variables=variables, fragments=fragments,

            return request.execute_dict()['data']
        except KeyError as exc:
            raise PortalAPIRequest(f"API request contained unusable error definition {exc}")
        except PortalException:

    def is_alive(self) -> bool:
        """Returns whether it is possible to communicate with API endpoint."""
        request = GraphQLRequest(
            query='{__schema { queryType { name }}}'

            result = request.execute_dict()
            return 'Query' == result['data']['__schema']['queryType']['name']
        except (KeyError, PortalException):
            return False


Instance variables

var api_url : str
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def api_url(self) -> str:
    return self._api_url
var token : str
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def token(self) -> str:
    return self._token


def api_url_parsed(self) ‑> urllib.parse.ParseResult
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def api_url_parsed(self) -> urllib.parse.ParseResult:
    return urllib.parse.urlparse(self._api_url)
def execute_graphql(self, query: str, variables: Union[dict, NoneType] = None, fragments: Union[List[str], NoneType] = None) ‑> 

Executes the GraphQL query and returns response as namedtuple. This namedtuple starts from the 'data'-object.

For example, when executing query getting user information:

response = execute_graphql(`{ user { id name }`)

the resulting GraphQL JSON might look as follows:

    "data": {
        "user": { "id": "1234", "name": "Alice" }

Then retrieving and print the name of the user using the response:

print(f"Name: {response.user.name}")

Raises PortalAPIError When the GraphQL API endpoint returned an error. When there was an issue with the request itself, or decoding JSON failed, the PortalAPIRequest exception is raised.

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def execute_graphql(self, query: str,
                    variables: Optional[dict] = None,
                    fragments: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> namedtuple:
    """Executes the GraphQL query and returns response as namedtuple. This
    namedtuple starts from the 'data'-object.

    For example, when executing query getting user information:

        response = execute_graphql(`{ user { id name }`)

    the resulting GraphQL JSON might look as follows:

            "data": {
                "user": { "id": "1234", "name": "Alice" }

    Then retrieving and print the name of the user using the response:

        print(f"Name: {response.user.name}")

    Raises `PortalAPIError` When the GraphQL API endpoint returned an error.
    When there was an issue with the request itself, or decoding JSON failed,
    the `PortalAPIRequest` exception is raised.
    request = GraphQLRequest(api_url=self.api_url,
                             query=query, variables=variables, fragments=fragments,

        return request.execute()
    except PortalException:
def execute_graphql_dict(self, query: str, variables: Union[dict, NoneType] = None, fragments: Union[List[str], NoneType] = None) ‑> dict

Executes the GraphQL request and return response a dictionary.

For example, when executing query getting user information:

response = execute_graphql_dict(`{ user { id name }`)

the resulting GraphQL JSON might look as follows:

    "data": {
        "user": { "id": "1234", "name": "Alice" }

Then retrieving and print the name of the user using the response:

print(f"Name: {response['user']['name']}")

Raises PortalAPIError When the GraphQL API endpoint returned an error. When there was an issue with the request itself, or decoding JSON failed, the PortalAPIRequest exception is raised.

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def execute_graphql_dict(self, query: str,
                         variables: Optional[dict] = None,
                         fragments: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> dict:
    """Executes the GraphQL request and return response a dictionary.

    For example, when executing query getting user information:

        response = execute_graphql_dict(`{ user { id name }`)

    the resulting GraphQL JSON might look as follows:

            "data": {
                "user": { "id": "1234", "name": "Alice" }

    Then retrieving and print the name of the user using the response:

        print(f"Name: {response['user']['name']}")

    Raises `PortalAPIError` When the GraphQL API endpoint returned an error.
    When there was an issue with the request itself, or decoding JSON failed,
    the `PortalAPIRequest` exception is raised.
    request = GraphQLRequest(api_url=self.api_url,
                             query=query, variables=variables, fragments=fragments,

        return request.execute_dict()['data']
    except KeyError as exc:
        raise PortalAPIRequest(f"API request contained unusable error definition {exc}")
    except PortalException:
def is_alive(self) ‑> bool

Returns whether it is possible to communicate with API endpoint.

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def is_alive(self) -> bool:
    """Returns whether it is possible to communicate with API endpoint."""
    request = GraphQLRequest(
        query='{__schema { queryType { name }}}'

        result = request.execute_dict()
        return 'Query' == result['data']['__schema']['queryType']['name']
    except (KeyError, PortalException):
        return False