dcso.portal API documentation

Module dcso.portal

The dcso.portal Python3 module helps you create applications and scripts which need to interact with the DCSO Portal.


To install the latest DCSO Portal SDK using pip:

$ pip install dcso-portal-python-sdk

We advise to use a Virtual Environment when testing/developing.

Alternatively, you can can download or clone the DCSO Portal SDK from GitHub and within the root of the repository:

$ pip install .
$ python3 setup.py install


Initializing API Client

APIClient is the main class for interacting with DCSO Portal.

Basic example (api_endpoint is something known to the reader):

from dcso.portal import APIClient

apic = APIClient(api_endpoint)
apic.auth.authenticate(username='alice', password='tea.pots')

When authentication was successful, the API token will stored in the APIClient instance, unless the authenticate method was called with parameter set_api_token set to False.

In most cases, using credentials is not an option, and a Machine (API) Token is preferred. In your application, you can after instantiating the client, you set the token property:

from dcso.portal import APIClient

apic = APIClient(api_endpoint)
apic.token = "YOURTOKENHERE"

The above is done automatically for you when you set the environment variable DCSO_PORTAL_TOKEN.

Executing GraphQL Queries

DCSO Portal's API uses GraphQL. With the client object initialized, it is possible to execute any GraphQL Query, which response is turned into a namedtuple.

In the following example, we list all the DCSO TDH issues available to us:

result = apic.execute_graphql(query='{ tdh_allIssues { id reference } }')
for issue in result.tdh_allIssues:
    print(f"{issue.id} {issue.reference}")

Depending on the query, you will get sequence, or another nametuple. For example, if you query a specific issue, using its UUID:

issue_id = '3be13d5f-1556-4edf-a243-e7ea4db67f2e'
query = '{ issue: tdh_issue(filter: {id: "'+issue_id+'"}) '+
    '{ title affectedAssets {ip} } }'

result = apic.execute_graphql(query)

for asset in result.issue.affectedAssets:
    print(f"        {asset.ip}")

Note that in the above example we also used an alias for ({issue: tdh_issue..}). This make the following code more readable.

Expand source code
# Copyright (c) 2020, DCSO GmbH

.. include:: ./README.md


### Initializing API Client

.. include:: ./apiclient.md

### Executing GraphQL Queries

DCSO Portal's API uses GraphQL. With the client object initialized, it is
possible to execute any GraphQL Query, which response is turned into
a namedtuple.

In the following example, we list all the DCSO TDH issues available to us:

    result = apic.execute_graphql(query='{ tdh_allIssues { id reference } }')
    for issue in result.tdh_allIssues:
        print(f"{issue.id} {issue.reference}")

Depending on the query, you will get sequence, or another nametuple. For example,
if you query a specific issue, using its UUID:

    issue_id = '3be13d5f-1556-4edf-a243-e7ea4db67f2e'
    query = '{ issue: tdh_issue(filter: {id: "'+issue_id+'"}) '+
        '{ title affectedAssets {ip} } }'

    result = apic.execute_graphql(query)

    for asset in result.issue.affectedAssets:

Note that in the above example we also used an alias for (`{issue: tdh_issue..`}).
This make the following code more readable.


__pdoc__ = {
    'test_api': False,

from .api import APIClient, ENV_PORTAL_TOKEN
from .exceptions import *



Definitions of abstract base classes used throughout the dcso.portal module.


Definition of the APIClient class which is used to start interactions with the DCSO Portal API.


Authentication and Authorization functionality.


Definition of exceptions raised by the dcso.portal module.


Various helper functions and classes.